Firm Water Programs


Firm Water Conservation Cost-Share Program
LCRA’s Firm Water Conservation Cost-Share Program provides funding for water efficiency projects and programs established by LCRA’s firm water customers. Customers include cities, utilities, industries, irrigation and recreational water users. Projects include converting irrigated areas using raw or potable water to recycled water, and decreasing utility system water loss, such as pressure reductions or leak detection and repair.

If you have questions about the program, contact Senior Water Conservation Coordinator Stacy Pandey.

Water Conservation Incentives Program Review Committee
The Water Conservation Incentives Program Review Committee provides direction on LCRA water conservation incentive programs, helps LCRA customers meet the goals established in the 2019 Raw Water Conservation Plan, and provides oversight of cost-sharing arrangements with firm water customers for conservation purposes.

LCRA Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plans
The LCRA 2019 Raw Water Conservation Plan outlines water conservation goals and strategies for all LCRA water customers, including cities, power plants, agricultural irrigation operations and golf courses.

The Drought Contingency Plan for Firm Water Customers sets forth the procedures by which LCRA will implement drought response stages for firm water.

In addition, most LCRA firm water customers are required to develop water conservation and drought contingency plans according to LCRA’s water sale contract rules. The rules outline minimum requirements, and LCRA staff encourages customers to adopt additional conservation strategies such as irrigation evaluations, deed restrictions for new development, or partnering with LCRA on rebate programs.

Water Conservation Plan Rules for Water Sale Contracts
Drought Contingency Plan Rules for Water Sale Contracts