GenTex Power Corporation
GenTex Power Corporation is a taxable nonprofit corporation of the Lower Colorado River Authority. LCRA created GenTex in 1998 to develop new electric generation resources to benefit LCRA’s wholesale electric customers.
GenTex developed Lost Pines 1 Power Project, a combined-cycle, natural gas-fired power plant in Bastrop County, as a joint owner with Calpine Corporation, a Houston-based independent power producer. The plant began operations in May 2001 and can generate about 540 megawatts of electricity.
LCRA owns an undivided 50% share of Lost Pines 1 Power Project (the share once owned by Calpine). GenTex Power Corporation owns its original 50% share from which electricity is sold to LCRA.
GenTex Board
The GenTex Board of Directors includes four representatives of LCRA’s wholesale electric customers and five representatives from LCRA’s Board of Directors. The directors meet regularly to set strategic corporate direction, approve budgets, and review progress on major activities and industry issues. The GenTex Board currently has one customer representative vacancy.
Customer representatives are GenTex Board Vice Chair Robert Lindsey III (city manager, Goldthwaite), Matt Bentke (general manager and chief executive officer, Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative) and Wayne Berger (city manager, Cuero).
LCRA General Manager Phil Wilson serves as president and chief executive officer of GenTex. LCRA Board representatives are LCRA and GenTex Board Chair Timothy Timmerman and members Michael L. “Mike” Allen, Stephen F. Cooper, Joseph M. “Joe” Crane and Robert “Bobby” Lewis.
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