Firm Water Conservation Cost-Share Program

LCRA’s Firm Water Conservation Cost-Share Program provides funding for water efficiency projects and programs established by LCRA’s firm water customers. Grants of up to $100,000 are available.
Recent grants include $15,000 to Texas Water Trade for an online toolkit to assist developers in incorporating water reuse technologies in planning for new developments and $100,000 to Travis County WCID 17 to upgrade its water meters to an AMI system with a customer portal.
Who can apply
LCRA’s firm water customers, such as cities, utilities, industries, irrigation and recreational water users.
Eligible projects
- Water loss reduction efforts, such as leak detection and repair and pressure management.
- Equipment efficiency upgrades.
- Demand-side conservation programs including incentives for smart irrigation controllers or soil moisture sensors, low-income plumbing repair, or other conservation equipment.
- Conversion of irrigated areas from raw or potable use water to recycled water.
- Emerging technology projects focused on education, outreach or technology advancements. Projects less than $15,000 require a minimum match of 20% of the total cost and do not have an estimated water savings requirement.
Application requirements
The application must include:
- A match of at least 50% of the total cost for the proposed project through cash and/or in-kind services (except for emerging technology projects less than $15,000).
- An estimate of the amount of water the project will save and supporting documentation for any calculations.
- The signature of the chief executive administrator or officer of the entity requesting the funds, such as a city manager, executive director, general manager or board president.
How often grants are awarded
Firm water conservation cost-share grants are awarded twice a year, and grant applications are accepted in the spring and fall.
The Water Conservation Incentives Program Review Committee reviews applications and approves grant funding. The committee provides direction on LCRA water conservation incentive programs, helps LCRA customers meet the goals established in the 2024 Water Conservation Plan, and provides oversight of cost-sharing arrangements with firm water customers for conservation purposes.
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