Business Opportunity Details

Category Services
Type Request for Proposals
Solicitation Number 12704

The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) is requesting proposals (RFP) to perform real estate services as follows: 1) Title Research – Including but not limited to research current ownership of the property or interest to be acquired in the records of the County Clerk’s and District Court’s records of the county in which the subject property is located. 2) Right of Way Services – Including but not limited to Act as landowner liaison during real estate activities, prepare and mail notification letters to affected landowners in project areas regarding upcoming real estate activities, etc. 3) Purchase of Land Rights – This may include compensation summaries, minimum offers and appraisals, etc.

Meeting Information

Pre-proposal Meeting Monday Nov. 21, 2022, at 2:00 pm central time, location in Austin, TX (Location details TDB). Suppliers will need to notify LCRA if they wish to participate prior to the meeting date. The meeting is not mandatory; but strongly encouraged.

MS TEAMS Meeting will also be available to those participating virtually, suppliers to submit any questions about the RFQ to LCRA before or by the meeting date.

Post meeting date an Addendum with questions and answers will be posted to RFQ site for all suppliers to review

*UPDATE: MEETING INFO (Will include review of RFQ requirements, documents, along with Q&A)

Microsoft Teams meeting

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Meeting ID: 224 258 993 655
Passcode: zVAKuS

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+1 512-643-4956,,676335977#   United States, Austin

Phone Conference ID: 676 335 977#

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Question Deadline Monday, November 21, 2022 02:00 PM CT
Submission Deadline Monday, December 5, 2022 05:00 PM CT
Submission Information

LCRA accepts responses electronically. Please address your response to [email protected] and include the agent’s name and 5-digit solicitation number in the subject line of your email to help ensure it is directed to the proper person.

Authorized Agent

Joshua Davila


RFP 12704 Instructions Package

***UPDATE: Pre-proposal Meeting Questions and Answers, Attendance