Water-Related Rules, Regulations and Permit Applications Open for Public Comment

LCRA posts water-related rules and regulations open for public comment on this page.


Water-related rules and regulations

At its Oct. 23 meeting, the LCRA Board of Directors will consider a proposed change to the firm water rate. The change would increase the rate from $155 to $165 per acre-foot for customers such as municipalities, industries, temporary water users and lakeside residential domestic users in the LCRA water service area that purchase water from the Highland Lakes or the lower Colorado River through firm water supply contracts with LCRA.

The LCRA Board also will consider proposed changes to the industrial distribution and temporary firm distribution rates. The proposed changes would increase the industrial distribution rate from $85.05 to $87.52 per acre-foot and the temporary distribution rate from $73.90 to $75.39 per acre-foot. These rates apply to firm water customers that receive delivery of water through the Gulf Coast Agricultural Division canal system. Customers pay the rates in addition to the firm water rate.

Learn more about the proposed rate changes.

LCRA accepted comments on the proposed changes through Oct. 11. If approved, the new rates will take effect with the January billing period.

Notice of pending water sale contracts requiring LCRA Board action

The LCRA Board of Directors may consider the following request at its Oct. 23, 2024, meeting in Burnet, or a subsequent meeting. LCRA Board meeting agendas are posted here at least 72 hours before the meeting. Public comments will be accepted in person at the Board meeting.

Kingsland Water Supply Corporation

Kingsland Water Supply Corporation (WSC) has requested an increase of 350 acre-feet to its current firm water contract of 1,150 acre-feet per year. The LCRA Board will consider a contract for Kingsland WSC for up to 1,500 acre-feet per year. Kingsland WSC diverts water from Lake LBJ to serve municipal uses in Burnet and Llano counties. Information related to the contract request may be obtained from Kingsland WSC, 1422 West Drive, Kingsland, Texas 78639 or 325-388-6611.

Highland Lakes Dredge and Fill Ordinance permit applications

There are no permit applications pending under the Highland Lakes Dredge and Fill Ordinance.